The safety of all our members is extremely important to us. Cheadle Scout District have strict policies and procedures in place to make sure our youth members and adult volunteers can enjoy Scouting safe from harm.
Child Protection Policy
Safeguarding the welfare of our youth members
The Scout Association takes seriously its responsibility to protect and safeguard the welfare of the children and young people in its care.
The Scout Association is committed to:
- Taking into account in all its considerations and activities the interests and well-being of young people.
- Respecting the rights, wishes and feelings of the young people with whom it is working.
- Taking all reasonable practicable steps to protect them from physical, sexual and emotional harm.
- Promoting the welfare of young people within a relationship of trust
The “Yellow Card ” carries a quick reference guide for all our adults it provides guidance with respect to the Scout Association’s Child Protection Policy. The card is given to every adult member when they join the association and they are given further training throughout their voluntary time spent with our Young People.
Risk Management
It is the policy of The Scout Association to provide scouting in a safe way without risk to health, so far as is reasonably practicable.
This includes making sure that:
- Activities are conducted in a safe way without risk to the health of participants.
- The provision and maintenance of equipment and buildings for members and others are safe and without risk to health and adequate for their welfare.
- Information, instruction, training and supervision is provided with the purpose of ensuring the health and safety of all those involved in Scouting activities or who may be affected by them.
- Appropriate arrangements are made to ensure safety and the absence of risks to health in connection with the use, transport, storage and handling of equipment, and substances that are inherently or potentially dangerous.
Anti Bullying
Children have the right to protection from all forms of violence (physical or mental). They must be kept safe from harm and they must be given proper care by those looking after them.
[The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 19]
The Scout Association and Cheadle Scout District are committed to this ethos and have measures in place to help prevent any member being bullied.
These include making sure that adults in Scouting:
- Are aware of the potential problems bullying may cause,
- Are alert to signs of bullying, harassment or discrimination,
- Take action to deal with such behaviour when it occurs, following Association policy,
- Provide access for young people to talk about any concerns they may have,
- Encourage young people and adults to feel comfortable and caring enough to point out attitudes or behaviour they consider inappropriate or do not like.
- Help ensure that their Group/Section has a published policy or charter on bullying